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IPSO Blog: Court reporting guidance
IPSO’s releases it's latest guidance for journalists and editors on court reporting, including relevant case studies and key points
IPSO Blog: Court Reporting and Social Media
Communications Officer Freddie Locock-Harrison explains why court reporting is important and explores some considerations around use of social media.
IPSO Blog: Online content and the Editors’ Code
Communications & Public Affairs Officer Hanno Fenech explains how the rules of the Editors’ Code apply to the online news content.
Guest blog: Reporting on sudden infant deaths
Christina Rolles, Head of Communications at The Lullaby Trust, talks about how the charity can support journalists reporting on sudden infant deaths.
IPSO Blog: Third party complaints made under Clause 1 (Accuracy)
Complaints Officer Katrina Bell explains more about how we deal with third party complaints made under Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors' Code.
IPSO Blog: All about annual statements
As we ask our regulated publishers to submit their annual statements for 2018, Standards Officer Rosemary Douce explains how the process works and why it’s such an important...
IPSO Blog: The politics of polling
This week, the Lords Select Committee on Political Polling and Digital Media published their report, The Politics of Polling.