IPSO Podcast: Journalism and domestic abuse

In the latest episode of the IPSO podcast, Teresa Parker, from Women's Aid, talks about how the media reports on domestic abuse and the available support networks for domestic abuse survivors.

In our latest podcast Teresa Parker, from Women’s Aid, talks to Rosemary Douce about IPSO’s new information for the public on reporting domestic abuse. It’s a must listen and can be accessed here.

Here, Teresa Parker explains more:  

3 women are killed every fortnight in the UK by a current or ex-partner. 1.6m women experience domestic abuse every year in England and Wales. Domestic abuse includes emotional, psychological, physical, sexual, financial, and a pattern of abuse.  

Reporting domestic abuse has far-reaching consequences. Because of the nature of domestic abuse, it is reported on every day throughout the media and is relevant to all journalists whether they are on news desks, sub-editors, court reporters, as well as features editors, entertainment reporters, and sports journalists.  

Because reporting of domestic abuse may be relevant to many more stories than is realized and has far-reaching consequences, it can be daunting for journalists to consider the implications of their reporting. There is the impact on the family and friends – and community – of women and men living with abuse, as well as the effect on society: how domestic abuse is seen and discussed in wider society from couples, to friends and neighbours, teachers, doctors, police officers, and lawyers… in other words, all of us. We want this information sheet to be a practical tool for journalists who have such an important role here.”  

Teresa has written a longer blog post for IPSO here. 

You can read her information for the public on reporting domestic abuse here. 

Our podcast is also available on Apple, Spotify and other major providers.

A full list of IPSO podcasts can be found here.


Listen to “IPSO Podcast: Journalism and Domestic Abuse”:

Published 5 October 2022