All rulings made by the Complaints Committee are published in full, along with summaries of all complaints which have been resolved via mediation by IPSO
12513-22 Muir v Paisley Daily Express
Michael Muir complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that the Paisley Daily Express breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an article headlined “TEACHER'S...
09772-23 Peet v Sunday People
Louise Peet complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that the Sunday People breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an article headlined “We...
12259-22 Esslemont v The Daily Telegraph
Maya Esslemont complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that The Daily Telegraph breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an article headlined “Modern...
08316-23 Webb v
Kelly Webb complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) and Clause 2 (Privacy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an article headlined...
10744-22 Gannon v Basildon Echo
Keith Gannon complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that Basildon Echo breached Clause 1 (Accuracy), Clause 2 (Privacy) and Clause 3 (Harassment) of the Editors’ Code of Practice...
12610-22 Bunglawala v The Jewish Chronicle
Inayat Bunglawala complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that The Jewish Chronicle breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an article headlined “Why...
11319-22 Maclennan v
Stuart Maclennan complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that breached Clause 1 (Accuracy), Clause 2 (Privacy) and Clause 10 (Clandestine devices and subterfuge) of the Editors’ Code...
11120-22 Cozens-Hardy v The Daily Telegraph
Raven Cozens-Hardy complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that The Daily Telegraph breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an article headlined “Self-hating...
02114-22 Bird v
Neil Bird complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an article headlined “PERVERT FREED Sex offender...
00514-22 Kiehlmann v Scottish Mail on Sunday
Dr Jonathan Kiehlmann complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that Scottish Mail on Sunday breached Clause 1 (Accuracy), Clause 2 (Privacy), and Clause 10 (Clandestine devices and subterfuge)...
11834-22 Phillips v The Sun
Graham Phillips complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that The Sun breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an article headlined “BRIT YOUTUBER 'WAR CRIMINAL'”,...
10769-22 Edwards v
Ryan Edwards complained to the Independent Press Standards Organisation that breached Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice in an online article headlined “Man, 40,...