IPSO is financed by the Regulatory Funding Company (RFC) which is funded by member publishers. IPSO carries out its work separately and completely independently from its members. We have agreed 5 year budgets with the RFC, which give us certainty over our income and guarantee our freedom from control or influence.

Yes. IPSO is a self-regulator paid for by publishers which are members but carries out its work independently from them. IPSO’s Board and Complaints Committee both have independent majorities who have no connections with the newspaper and magazine industry. The other members have recent senior experience in the newspaper or magazine industries and therefore have expertise in the area of press standards. None are currently serving editors of publications that are or could be regulated by IPSO.

IPSO is not a public body and is not subject to FOI. However, IPSO is committed to being transparent so will wherever possible and appropriate try to answer any queries.

Unfortunately IPSO cannot offer work experience.

If you are searching for work experience opportunities at a publication regulated by IPSO you will need to contact them directly.

Please contact us with further details about your requirements.

Complaints about IPSO which fall outside the complaints review process should be made in writing to the Chief Executive.
Contact details

You can find information about IPSO’s processing of personal data here.