We uphold high editorial standards to protect the public and freedom of expression.

Thinking of making a complaint?
We consider complaints about the newspapers, magazines and digital news sites that we regulate

Advice, guidance and support
We offer training, guidance, and confidential support for journalists, and advice and information for members of the public.
How we can help you

Latest IPSO News
Read our updates about our work:
Media regulator appoints new members to its Board and Complaints Committee
IPSO which regulates most print and digital news publications in the UK, has appointed new members to its Board and Complaints Committee.
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Editors’ Code clause on children updated
An amendment to the Editors’ Code of Practice has come into force. Clause 6 (Children) has been revised to clarify who can consent to provide information about a child’s welfare
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Media regulator appoints two new members to its Complaints Committee
IPSO, which regulates most print and digital news publishers in the UK, has appointed two Complaints Committee members.
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Recent rulings
All IPSO's rulings and resolution statements