Transparency & accountability

We aim to be clear about what we do and how we work. This section includes publisher statements, key documents, and our annual reports

As a non-statutory regulator, IPSO can, and needs to, adapt to the scale and pace of change. But certain principles remain at the heart of what IPSO does and are reflected in our new strategy. These principles – independence, transparency, accessibility – are as important as they ever were.

Transparency is one of our key principles as a regulator, alongside independence and accessibility.

All of our rulings are available to read in full on our website, allowing readers to see what the substance of an investigated complaint was, how each party made their representations, the considerations of the complaints committee, the final decision and, where relevant, any remediation required.

In addition to publishing, via our annual report, a complete breakdown of how many complaints we receive – and the outcome of those complaints – we also, as of the 2023 report, publish the timescales taken to resolve complaints.

This means visitors to our website have a rounded picture of all of our complaints handling work, from raw data through to the nuances of the considerations taken when complaints are examined by the complaints committee.

We also ask the same of our regulated publishers by requiring them to complete an annual transparency statement. These are available to view here.